Although we have been operating in a different sector for many years in Adana, our passion for art started many years ago. For many years, we have experienced this passion as an art audience. The years we were an art audience caused us to be a close followers of modern art and to discover new artists in a pleasant way. The commercial imbalances in our country made us wait for a while regarding our sector. In this period, the lack of sufficient and efficient investments in art in our city, combined with our interest and curiosity in art, brought an art-related project to our minds. We started to work on art by combining this knowledge and observation with our passion. We realized that we are ready to contribute to this field professionally when we look back with the collections we created and the team we formed for art. Thus, we decided to add an art formation to our company.

And so Kuzgun Art Space was born...

During our formation, we receive support from professional teams, and we care about the ideas of artists and the art community. Considering today's digital developments, we also make our plans with a progressive attitude, ideas, and trends. Since we know that the art market cannot exist without artists, we try to provide the most suitable conditions especially for artists and aim to bring a breath of fresh air to gallery-artist relations.

Both in individual and group exhibitions, we would be very pleased if you were with us in this formation process. To develop this artistic formation that the city needs, we have been inspired and continue to be fed by artists, formations, and art-related dynamics in Turkey and abroad. At this point, we aim to provide you with an ever-evolving and transforming art experience.

We are already very excited about all the activities we will experience at Kuzgun Art Space. As artists/art lovers, we are looking forward to embarking on a new path with your contributions. In a short time, we will share with you all the events we have planned on our website and social media pages.

Hope to see you…