Amar Kılıç
He was born in 1985 in Mardin - Kızıltepe. He works on urban memory in Mardin and its surrounding region.
He is one of the founders of the 13 Metrekare Art Collective and Fotohane Darkroom.
He conducts oral history, photography, and video studies and research on the last carriers of the Traditional Tattoo Deq tradition in the Mardin - Şanlıurfa area. He works on the cultural and traditional rituals, as well as the daily life practices of the Dom (Gypsy communities in the Middle East), Koçer (nomadic livestock herding communities in Southeast and Eastern Anatolia), Yazidis, Syriacs, Kurds, and Arabs living in the region, producing visual documentation.
He continues his work with alternative print techniques, including sun printing, at the Photography Workshop in Mardin.