18-22I erinilkcanaslan

08 April - 30 April 2022
18-22I erinilkcanaslan

Erin İlkcan Aslan's solo exhibition "18-22 | erinilkcanaslan" which is a first-of-its-kind exhibition with three different visitor experience concepts is opening at Kuzgun Art Space between April 8-30.


Award-winning multidisciplinary fine artist Erin İlkcan Aslan is exploring his exhibition with visitors!

His solo exhibition "18-22 | erinilkcanaslan" that he interpreted the 3-year pandemic as 3 new periods, opening with an exclusive experience and vernissage on 8-9-10 April.

The exhibition will be open to the public until 30 April.  


Exhibition Calendar:

▪️8 April, Friday 13.00/21.00 - EXCELA ( Visitor Experience -15 min. pass)

▪️9 April, Saturday 13.00/21.00 - SHOSHIN ( Visitor Experience - 15 min. pass )

▪️10 April, Sunday 13.00/21.00 - NOW ( Visitor Experience - 15 min. pass )

▪️15 April, Friday - Public Opening (Free Admission)