The Last Exit Before Necrocene / Tahsin Engin Gökten / Salon 1 Timeless / Musa Hatan / Salon 2

10 February - 09 March 2024
The Last Exit Before Necrocene / Tahsin Engin Gökten / Salon 1 Timeless / Musa Hatan / Salon 2

With his exhibition "The Last Call Before Necrocene from Nekrosen," Tahsin Engin Gökten offers a compelling experience divided into three parts that shed light on important aspects of various environmental issues. Can you hear it too? Nature is saying something, and not in a whisper but in a scream. Disaster is looming large. So, it's time to do something before it's too late, without missing the last call! In this exhibition, the artist aims to ignite a global awakening and a sense of urgency in response to the threats we face, similar to David Wallace-Wells' book "The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming," and to mobilize collective responsibility..



"The Last Exit Before Necrocene" is on view at KUN Art Space Salon 1 from February 10 to March 9, Monday to Saturday..



"After the waters receded, before life and sound returned, there was only the eerie solitude of matter facing us, staring into our faces. Unease in front of the paintings. The only liquid element encountered when moving from one painting to another was now an eye trying to pierce through solitary faces. The deluge had ended, the waters had receded completely, and in the midst of endless drought, stone and earth remained in a world where even the air could not move. In this solid environment, there were times - times we truly did not know whether they flowed or not."


"Timeless" is on view at KUN Art Space Salon 2 from February 10 to March 9, Monday to Saturday.